22 November 2011

CloWn TeaTRaL

“Clown” es diferente de payaso. Se utiliza la palabra inglesa Clown para diferenciar el “payaso” moderno del payaso tradicional. El clown no es infantil.

El show de los payasos está dirigido y basado para el entretenimiento de niños mientras que una obra de clown está enfocada a un público más maduro capaz de entender las situaciones que se presentan: reaccionando y ofreciendo una respuesta apropiada. Por supuesto que los niños son bienvenidos a asistir a este tipo de eventos, sin embargo, las sutilezas que se manejan en el mensaje podrán escapar de su entendimiento.

Mucha gente aún no ha presenciado una obra de Clown, es por eso que tal vez la diferencia entre payaso y clown no es fácil de comprender.

Una obra clown es como una obra de teatro pero con una perspectiva clownesca. Ésta tiene un principio, un desarrollo –con conflictos, etc- y un final; con muchos altibajos, fracasos, amor,dulzura, inocencia, travesuras y complicidad.

Para un clown, la comunicación es tan importante que se podría decir qusi ésta no existiera, elclown no tendría sangre que bombeara su corazón.

El objetivo del clown es muy simple. Querer tocar la vida, la mente y el corazón de su audiencia. Querer amar, ser amado y compartir momentos mágicos con aquellos que le observan. Momentos mágicos llenos de sentimientos, verdad y de nosotros mismos.

ArT-TheatrE ClowN

An Art-theatre clown is different from the traditional clown for children. Art-Theatre Clown is not for children.

The childrens' clown based their performance for a childrens' audience, looking to entertain them. The Art-Theatre clown based their performance for a mature audience that can understand the situations that are presented: reacting and giving appropiate feed back. Children are welcome at these performances yet the subtletlies of the message at times could be beyond their understanding.

Many people have still not seen any Art-theatre Clown performances, that is why the difference between that and the traditional clown is not always easy to understand.

Let us just say Clown from now on -understanding that the term is refering to the Art-Theatre one-.

A theatre clown performance is a play with a clown twisted perspective. It has a begining, a development -conflicts,etc- and an end: full of ups and downs, failures, love, sweetness, innocence, pranks and complicity.
Communication is so important for the clown that it can be said that without it a clown has no blood to pump his heart. Honesty, transparency and the ability to live any feeling 100% is what makes this communication possible. Then, the clown is one with the audience and the audience has became part of the clown's heart.

Clown's objective is simple. They want to touch peoples' lives, minds and hearts. They want to love, be loved and then share magic's moments for open eyes. Magic moments full of feelings, real truth and ourselves.